⚠️ This configuration guide is part of Sign-up with Okta manual and assume that you have already followed the previous steps before configuring the Elba SSO app.

In order to be able to keep your Okta users and groups synced with Elba, an API service App needs to be installed.

1 - Open your Okta administration portal and in Applications click the Browse App Catalog.

Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 11.12.12.png

2 - Search for “Elba” and click to select it.

3 - Click the “Add” button

4 - Click the “Install & Authorize” Button

Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 11.24.43.png

5 - Copy “Client secret” and paste it in the Elba sign-up form in the section “Service integration”. Click “Done” button once it’s done.

Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 11.26.26.png

6 - Copy “Client ID” and paste it in the Elba sign-up form in the section “Service integration”.

Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 11.27.16.png

ℹ️ Follow the next step on the Sign-up with Okta manual to be able to use Okta as an identity provider on Elba.